I’m on a bit of a blogging roll at the moment – wahooo – look at me go! Still lots of posts to catch up on but I thought I would pause for a little bit today to ‘Take Stock’. I’ve done a couple of these posts now and really find them useful for a little bit of quiet reflection. Feel free to have a go yourself – it’s really quite fun! Continue reading
Posts Tagged With: Taking Stock
Taking Stock – November 2014
Taking Stock – February 2014
You’re probably all wondering what crazy drugs or coffee addiction I’ve got going on at the moment with all these blog posts flooding your email inboxes! Well, the truth is, I’m actually taking part in an online blogging course this month called ‘Blog With Pip’.
One of my favourite blog’s I love to read, Foxs Lane
recommended the course and you all know that my New Years Resolution was to do something fun for me and devote a bit more time to blogging, so whammo – I bit the bullet and enrolled in my very first e-course!
The course is fantastic, albeit a little overwhelming at times with blogging/social media overload! I am learning sooooooo much and hopefully you have noticed a few of the little changes I have started to implement on our blog (all feedback welcome!).
I’ve even gotten to know some new friends and now have a whole pile of interesting blogs to read!!! Check out Heike’s blog for more travelling around oz good-ness, or Cat’s blog for a granny-chic lifestyle fix – Tassie style, or if you want some new jewellery, have a look at the blog of Clare, in St Louis, USA (also great for some snow photos too!). There are heaps more lovely blogs which I will have to share with you over the next few weeks!
So, my assignment this week is to ‘Take Stock’. It’s just a little snap shot of what is happening here in my world at the moment …………………………… no laughing at my answers!
Taking Stock – Feb 2014
Making : Beds!
Cooking : Banana Cake for afternoon tea
Drinking : Soda water and lime cordial – delicious!
Reading: Buddhism for Mothers (great recommendation Stell!)
Wanting: Chocolate
Looking: at the patio which really needs sweeping.
Playing: Zac Brown Band of course!
Deciding: If I have time to go into town for groceries today
Wishing: for a family weekend away at the beach
Enjoying: having no kids at home!
Waiting: for the electrician to come
Liking: that life has started to settle into routine a little bit
Wondering: if we are having a boy or girl!
Loving: my newly renovated nursery
Pondering: the implications of privacy online vs wanting to blog about our family
Considering: if Lexi should do ballet 2 times a week or netball on Saturday’s instead
Watching: nothing – sticking to our no TV during the week ban!
Hoping: we get a storm this afternoon
Marvelling: at how fast life is flying by at the moment!
Needing: to get tea organised
Smelling: sweaty
Wearing: a black maternity skirt that was my friend Shelley’s
Following: Miss Grey Photography
Noticing: that our hedge really needs trimming
Knowing: I am spending too much time on the computer at the moment
Thinking: of four letter boys and girls names
Feeling: guilty that I haven’t done any vacuuming yet!
Admiring: how successful Pip Lincolne is
Sorting: boxes of baby clothes
Buying: a new water bottle for one of the worker’s after Matt ran over it in the ute this morning
Getting: called by Matt on the UHF
Bookmarking: http://www.farmingaheadofthecurve.com.au/index.html
Disliking: the heat!
Opening: a new box of laundry powder
Giggling: at this photo which came up on Facebook yesterday; Reason #87 to hire a photographer
Feeling: hungry
Snacking: Saos with cheese and tomato on them
Coveting: an ipad mini
Wishing: that we had got to do more of our trip – particularly WA
Helping: Matt get the dorm ready for some more workers arriving tonight
Hearing: the Semi-Trailer at the shed being loaded up with the pallets of avocados we packed yesterday
Why don’t you play too? I’d love to hear what is happening in your neck of the woods! Copy the template below and paste your answers into the comments on this post or share on your own blog, or Facebook page, via email, whatever! It’s a bit of fun, c’mon have a go!!
Taking Stock
Making :
Cooking :
Drinking :
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