Thank you to everybody for some great recommendations of places to visit after our ‘Vision Board’ post, we really appreciate people taking the time to help us out and comment to let us know someone is following along on our little journey! One of our commenters (thanks Sonia!) pointed out that we had missed Tasmania off our ‘Must Visit’ list. Unfortunately we think that we will have to leave Tasmania out of our trip due to the cost involved with getting us all and the car and camper over there, and the fact that Matt and I have already had a short visit to Tasmania before.
A little hard to believe it has been that long, but 9 years ago now, Matt and I spent ten days travelling around Tassie to celebrate our first wedding anniversary! We had forgotten that this was actually our first ever camper van experience! We went in April and actually received a shock at how cold it was – I think we shivered the whole time we were there! Anyway – a little trip down memory lane tonight to share some photos from our time in Tasmania. It really is a beautiful place and perfect for campervaning as it is only a small island and there is heaps, and heaps to see!!
We flew into Launceston and then flew home out of Hobart so we got to see quite a bit in 10 days. This will be a test for the memory to see if I can remember where all of our photos were taken – we really should have been more diligent in labelling them properly!! So here we go, a photo tour of Tasmania from nine years ago! I bet Matt and I have changed far more than the countryside probably has!!!!

We started with a 15 minute walk out of Launceston to visit Cataract Gorge

Next stop was the Tamar Valley for lots of wine tasting! The best thing about travelling in the camper van was that we could pullover for a snooze to sleep off all the wine!

We made it over to Strahan where we free camped behind the dunes on the beach. It was very windy but a lovely quiet spot.

Lake St Clair – we did a cruise on the Lake – cold and wet but still beautiful and nice spots to hop off and have a walk. We camped somewhere near here on the side of the road and were given the scare of our lives when we were woken at 1am by someone doing circle work in their ute around us in the camper!! We thought it was going to be the end, but they drove off after a few minutes! It was scary!!!

I can’t remember where this was – but we arrived here in the dark and camped behind the pub and then went for a walk in the morning and found this!

We did a 3 hr return ‘Marion’s Lookout’ walk – loved it but had a bit of a stumble and broke our camera here!

We camped in a National Park campground at Cradle Mountain but had a look around the lodge and surrounds which were very scenic!

Beautiful crystal clear water at Wineglass Bay – freezing though – we weren’t brave enough to get in!
And that was our trip! We didn’t get to see anything of the Derwent and Huon Valleys which was a bit disappointing but we have to have a reason to visit again don’t we!!! It would be remiss of me while talking about Tasmania not to do a big shout out for Mole Creek Caravan Park which is now owned by the family of friends of ours – make sure you stay there if you ever visit Tassie!
Aaargh – looking at all these photos makes me think maybe we better make room in our ‘Around Oz’ trip to go back and have a better look!!! So many places in this beautiful land to see!!
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