Are you ready to hear about the best ‘bush’ camping we have ever done to date? As you already know, upon leaving Adels Grove campground, we decided to head back towards Gregory Downs and spend the next five nights free camping in a nice secluded spot on the Gregory River, in a place we had previously located on our way through to Lawn Hill earlier in the week. Matt really doesn’t like caravan park/campground camping and after having a busy, nearly twelve months on the farm with lots of workers and family around, we were really hanging out for some quiet, relaxing family time. That is exactly what we got on the Gregory River! Continue reading
Posts Tagged With: Canoeing
Gregory River
Categories: Camping, Qld Camping
Tags: Bush Camping, Camping, Camping with kids, Canoeing, Gregory Downs Camping, Gregory River, Kayaking Gregory River
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