Boab Tree – now we are in WA we are seeing them everywhere – love them!
Today we had a very long drive and to fill in the last hour and stop the fighting and whinging before we stopped for lunch at Halls Creek, (after listening to a whole Famous Five audio book) we decided to go round the car and see what everybody’s thoughts are on the trip now that we have been on the road for 8 weeks!! It has gone so fast, but leaving Brisbane two months ago seems like forever too if that is possible!!
Fealy Family Interview
What have we missed the most since being on the trip?
Jack – having good friends – only friends now are the others (pointing to Lex & Tobes) and they’re not really friends. Icecream, miss playing with my hockey team, the trampoline and my bike.
Toby – my toy cars drawer from home, Patrick and Ashlin.
Lexi – the house and my room, Jayde & Madi, icecream, Jerry & Slinky,
Matt – the chooks (eggs!), icecream, cups of tea/cold beer on the deck, miss Greg (Matt’s massage dude), company of good neighbours
Jess – time to myself! Keeping up to date with my favourite blogs, having a long hot shower by myself, sitting on the soccer field in the afternoon at school pick up time chatting to my lovely mum friends and going to book club!
What we don’t miss!
Lexi – I don’t know
Tobes – the city & noise
Jack – the roadworks at Louie’s (neighbours) block, all the pollution
Matt – sitting in a fluorescently lit office, reheating dinner to finally eat it at 11pm cold, Louie’s truck noise
Jess – housework, going to work, school routine – lunchboxes etc, road noise
What are our favourite things about the trip?
Lexi – having icecreams, the campsite with the big long pool
Tobes – Uluru, my birthday
Jack – being free – not many people, climbing Uluru, seeing all the sights that most people don’t get to see
Matt – spending every minute with the family exclusively, going to bed and waking up at regular times, seeing something and doing something new everyday, no work, no schedule.
Jess – the thrill of pack up day and heading somewhere new with new things to see – not knowing where we will be next! The live music at the campgrounds, the feeling & sound in the evening at campgrounds of people socializing, relaxing & cooking dinner.
Eating out for dinner or breaky every now & then!
Our least favourite parts of trip
Lexi – I don’t like flies all over me
Toby- having to say goodbye to friends I make
Jack – having to do school work
Matt – paying $2 a litre for petrol
Jess – walking one child all the way over to the toilet at the ablution block only to come back and have another ask to go – grrrrr!! Or the same child ask to go back again five minutes later!! The cold nights! The car/camper breaking down and having to spend a precious week of our now shortened trip in Tennant Creek!
Looking back on our blog posts has helped us realise that we really have seen and done lots of great things in the last two months and even though our trip has been shortened, we are really excited about what our last month on the road will have in store for us – bring on the beach – wahooooooo!

Getting in some ‘relaxing’ practice in readiness for hitting the beach – this was me in the pool at Lake Argyle Caravan Park yesterday – freezing but beautiful!
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