I love the start of a new month and the chance to set some new goals and start with a clean slate. I had a little bit of a light bulb moment today. You all know I’ve been on a somewhat long journey of ‘self help’ work recently and for the past two months I have been undertaking the Peak Persona Next Level program (shout out that the next cohort kicks off on Sunday – highly recommend!). Several of the tasks during the program, namely obtaining feedback (of which I hardly looked at the good comments), a mind audit (all ten times I stopped and paid attention to my thoughts had me noting them as grumpy or negative) and undertaking some personality profiling, have made me acutely aware that I very much tend to focus on the negatives and this is holding me back in lots of ways. This realisation has come as a bit of a shock to me as I would have described myself as a ‘glass half full’ kinda girl. Continue reading
Mindful May
Some advice about marriage for our kids
This is a post I have been wanting to write for a while and tried to do yesterday, but I struggled with the start of school at home, juggle of working from home, kids online gymnastics and exercise classes starting, and getting all of the house stuff done (ie feeding everyone so much food, a million times a day!). So it didn’t get finished yesterday, which means I’m ignoring my feelings of ‘I missed it and can’t post now, leaving the words to languish another year in the blog drafts folder’ and just hitting ‘publish’ on it today, a day late, instead.
Yesterday marked 17 years married for Matt and I. It sure hasn’t been smooth sailing, the last few years have been particularly tough and we have definitely pushed the limits, but I’m proud we’ve made it this far and have created four beautiful kids and a stack of amazing memories together. Continue reading
Corona Creativity and Passions
Poof! That is me blowing the dust off this here little ‘ole’ blog – jeepers, it has been a long time since I have written!
I’m just going to launch straight into things ok and we’ll worry about catching up on everything later, because otherwise I am just going to overthink the best way to restart blogging and then nothing will get posted!
So, we are in the midst of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic and I, like many people am finding that being required to ‘stay home’ unless absolutely essential to go out, means I have a bit more time and head space for things like thinking and writing and soul searching, oh and yelling at kids of course ?
However, something a friend (thanks Cath) said this morning really resonated with me in that there are heaps of ‘essential’ workers missing out on the slow down, the extra time and the ‘play’ and growth opportunities that many of us are taking advantage of right now. They are not getting the chance to experience or explore their passions and interests, connect with their loved ones, focus on their health & wellbeing, or do those DIY projects, craft etc, they are working harder then ever.
And it got me thinking, are there lots of people like me who don’t even know where to start? Who feel a bit guilty like we might be wasting this opportunity? Who have spent so much time looking after kids, working, being busy, distracting ourselves with all sorts plans and life stuff that we don’t even know what we like or want to do with our time now that those things aren’t possible? What even is our passion? Do we even have one?
Here’s some of the things that have gone through my mind – maybe they have played in your head too? To start with ….. Continue reading
Reach for the Star – Don’t Lower the Bar
A few weeks ago as I was doing my mindless, post dinner scrolling of Facebook, I came across a post by Mia Freedman. I really admire Mia and the journey she has taken with her online empire MammaMia and often find interesting and thought provoking content via her social media, books and podcasts.
This post though, has really had me thinking over the last few weeks and I’ve been jotting my thoughts down, trying to work through in my head what it is I feel – why the post has bothered me so much.
I’m trying to be a little braver too and voice my thoughts out loud in the theme of being conscious that the world needs more voices in it, more people taking a risk to express different opinions so we don’t just get sucked in to believing/hearing only those voices that are loudest. I also think that it is important to not just be a consumer of creativity and online content, but also to try and put some of your own ‘creating’ out into the world too – I think the world is a much more interesting place when that happens, and there seems to be fewer and fewer people creating these days.
Anyway, here’s the post that sparked all of this: Continue reading
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