On this night twelve months ago, Matt and I had put the kids to bed amongst the chaos that was our camper. It was the night before we were due to head off from Brisbane, on what was to be a year or so travelling around Australia. Continue reading
Author Archives: Are We There Yet?
Flashback Friday – 12 months ago today ………….
My Favourite Things
Hello Everyone! Yes – we’re all still alive up here!! I know, I know – I’ve been very slack with the blog over this last month!
I’m joining in with Pip from Meet Me At Mikes, ‘Favourite Things’ link up, to give me a hand out of my blogging slump and get back on a roll again. It is delightful having a newborn in the house but I had forgotten how lack of sleep makes me have the ‘go slows’ during the day and everything just seems to take ten times longer to get done or not done at all!
Bits & Bobs
Disclaimer: I promise this post won’t have any more baby related stuff in it! No doubt you are all well and truly Fealy babied out with all the news and photo’s of our little Kipp’s arrival, so we’ll give you a post off from baby stuff!! A big thank you so much to everybody though for all the lovely emails, text messages and comments on our blog and Facebook Page that we received – it was so lovely to get them all!!
There are so many bits and pieces that I have really wanted to tell you about over the last month! I thought they all deserved their own blog posts but time just seems to gallop at the moment so I’m just going to blurt them all out here!
First though, check out what just wandered out of the garden this morning while Matt and I were having smoko ……………………………..
Baby Names
So, we’ve got a bit of a dilema! We’re three days away from Fealy Bub Number 4’s due date and we still don’t have any idea of names for this little one. With our other three kids we had a Top 5 boys/girls names by this point that we took in with us to hospital and made the final decision when we saw bub. We don’t know what sex baby is – we have always opted for the suprise factor with all of our kids and to be honest that is the only thing that gets me through labour, the excitement to see what new little person will be joining our family!! Continue reading
Catch Up
The ‘death by glass of water’ in March of our trusty laptop has resulted in a bit of a tumble off the blogging wagon recently. That combined with a busy month of visitors and an ever growing baby belly have seen me get behind again on the blog, so I thought I’d do a bit of a brief ‘catch up’ post today to fill you in on what has been happening at Fealy Family HQ over the last month. Oh, and the photo above is the brand new ‘blogging machine’ that I’m now writing on – pretty spiffy hey! Continue reading
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter Everyone! I know I have been ‘MIA’ this last month and I have heaps to fill you all in on, but this is just a short post to pop back in, say hi, share some Easter spirit from our neck of the woods and see what everybody else got up to for Easter. Continue reading
Sunday Snapshot – Kauri Creek Road
I’ve been out of action on the blog front this week as our laptop died so I feel a bit rusty writing this post tonight after a week off! Continue reading
Sunday Snapshot – Breakfast At Coffee Works
Matt is having a weekend off, the first one in a a long while and we are making the most of it! Lazy days, dinner at Grandma’s, a sleepover for the kids at Grandma’s and a breakfast out this morning for Matt and I! Continue reading
Flashback Friday – “Free”
Well, seeing as we finished all of the posts about our trip yesterday, it seems only fitting that this week’s Friday Flashback be dedicated to a small photo montage of our adventure. Using our theme song of course, “Free” by Zac Brown Band as the background music. Man, we had a great trip! Just click play and watch the video! If you are thinking about a trip like this – JUST DO IT!!!
The Final Leg
Sigh. Deep Breath …………………………………………………………………..
There is no more delaying. It is time to bite the bullet and write the final post covering the last day and night of life on the road for the Fealy Family Adventure of 2013. Aaaargh, so hard. That means our trip really is over, complete, finished, done. It was so long in the thinking and planning and all over in three very short, but amazingly good months. It feels like a dream now.
Ok, on with it. Continue reading
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