Poof! That is me blowing the dust off this here little ‘ole’ blog – jeepers, it has been a long time since I have written!
I’m just going to launch straight into things ok and we’ll worry about catching up on everything later, because otherwise I am just going to overthink the best way to restart blogging and then nothing will get posted!
So, we are in the midst of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic and I, like many people am finding that being required to ‘stay home’ unless absolutely essential to go out, means I have a bit more time and head space for things like thinking and writing and soul searching, oh and yelling at kids of course ?
However, something a friend (thanks Cath) said this morning really resonated with me in that there are heaps of ‘essential’ workers missing out on the slow down, the extra time and the ‘play’ and growth opportunities that many of us are taking advantage of right now. They are not getting the chance to experience or explore their passions and interests, connect with their loved ones, focus on their health & wellbeing, or do those DIY projects, craft etc, they are working harder then ever.
And it got me thinking, are there lots of people like me who don’t even know where to start? Who feel a bit guilty like we might be wasting this opportunity? Who have spent so much time looking after kids, working, being busy, distracting ourselves with all sorts plans and life stuff that we don’t even know what we like or want to do with our time now that those things aren’t possible? What even is our passion? Do we even have one?
Here’s some of the things that have gone through my mind – maybe they have played in your head too? To start with …..

and also:
“I’m just not a creative, crafty, person.”
“Everyone is already doing all the things – I don’t want to copy.”
“I’m not good at building or making stuff”
“I don’t even know what I feel like doing”
“I don’t have any drive or passion – it’s just not in me”
Since I scaled back from part-time work to ease some stress and be home more over the last twelve months, I’ve been spending a bit of time trying to figure this out for myself, or as my Dad says “you’ve been reading too much of that blimin’ self help rubbish’ – just get out and do something.”
Well – here’s my ‘something’ Dad – I thought I might share some of my learnings and maybe it might help someone use this time to try a new thing or to seek out and find a passion, or hidden talent?
First things first ….
Creativity isn’t something people are born with; it’s actually a skill that can be learned. And, as with any other skill, you can only get better at it with practice.
Also – although it sucks, failure or not liking something and feeling very uncomfortable, out of your depth, is unfortunately a most important part of the process of trying something new.
It does also take time, so some determination and patience is required.
Secondly ….
As per Mel Robbins (highly recommend listening to this audiobook) “there is no secret to finding your purpose in life. Passion is not a thing, or something you do or don’t have. You have to find it/work at it”.
We’ve got to seek it out. We’ve got to follow the energy of things that make us feel good and figure out how we can do more of that! We have to take action, we have to DO, we have to try things – not just write them on a list or add them to a pinterest board.
Ok then, so how to start doing? Here’s some ideas for people like me who feel like they are a bit stuck or aren’t creative at all!
You might like to begin with a daily log to track the things that make you feel good? This is a good starting point. When something energizes you, add more of it to your life. When something depletes you, figure out how to do less of that thing. As often as possible, follow the energy inside you.
Brainstorm every morning. What things come easily to you? What topic could you talk about for hours? When in a bookshop – what books do you gravitate towards? When was the last time you felt energised/excited/alive?
Free write every day just for fun – whatever comes to mind – try http://750words.com/
Let your mind wander – make sure there is downtime via exercise/rest/meditation
Expose yourself to other ideas – read, go outside, talk with other people, listen to podcasts (check out ‘How I Built This’ podcast, TED talks)
Laugh – research says being in a good mood = creativity
Take a course – there are so many available for free at the moment and of course there is always YouTube for learning something new!
Solve a problem or fix something, tick something off the jobs list – you might just find a hidden skill or that you actually enjoy it.
Help someone else – who knows what they will need you to do or what talents you have that are valuable to others.
Copy something else someone you like or admire is doing – there’s advantages to everyone sharing via social media!
Finally, it’s not about having lots of good ideas or plans or lists, it is about making them happen. Actually doing, so Happy COVID-19 Creating everyone!! Maybe we need a hashtag to share our newfound skills and passions? #covid19creation #coronacreation ???
NB. Shoutout to Peak Persona for the bum kick to get writing again. I am terrified to say this out loud, but my goal is to write every day this week – hold me accountable if anyone actually reads this and doesn’t see a post from me tomorrow!
Yay, you’re back! Just the post I needed, as I’ve been a little bit ‘directionless’ and did want to make the most of this time to ‘find the things that energise me’. Need to listen to some podcasts so I’d love a post about some of your favourite podcasts, good short courses etc, that would be great!
So good to have you back. I’m really enjoying not having to rush around after kids activities/school bus runs etc. I still seem to be flat out though! Maybe something to do with having 5 kids in the house – 4 needing homeschooling and one whose favourite pastimes include swing from the rafters. All enjoy making a fine mess. I have lots of ideas, but somehow still don’t have as much time as I would like …. have enjoyed teaching the kids from the good ol days though.
This virus is a disaster we need to stay safe and stay protected from this.