Well, all the kids are back at school today and Matt is back in the Blue Sky orchard picking mangoes, which means our ‘routine machine’ has cranked into motion again. I used to love routine and the productivity it brings, so far this year – honestly? I just want to keep everybody at home and on holidays forever – sigh. All good things must come to an end I guess.
I’m feeling restless, all over the place and a bit low and teary today. Feeling old with our eldest baby starting high school and so not ready to launch back in to the craziness of mango/avocado season, work, work and all of the things and demands on our time.
So, I thought today was a good day for a ‘Taking Stock’ post – feel free to join in and post your responses too via the comments, Facebook or wherever.
Here goes ………………… Taking Stock January 2018
Cooking : This cake as my random act of kindness for January. It is just a packet mix ‘Green’s Vanilla Cake’ but is a favourite in our house – very quick and easy. It looked pretty good, hey!

Drinking : Black tea in an effort to try to stop drinking Coke and naughty V’s. Always on the New Year’s resolution list to ditch those bad habits, really don’t want them on the list for 2019!
Reading: Oh lots of things! Have enjoyed having the time in the holidays to read. These are the books I have read/am reading in January:
Looking: At our 2017 photos in our photo library and sorting them into an album for printing.
Playing: Ed Sheeran on Spotify
Wishing: That I had a million dollars and I could just stay home and learn to write a book!
Enjoying: Blogging again – yay!
Waiting: For Matt to come in from the paddock for lunch.
Liking: This post from Foxs Lane about the brilliant birthday party they just had!
Wondering: If anybody is even going to read this – hehehehe!
Loving: the group message conversation happening on Facebook with my mother’s group from Brisbane as we share pics of all of our babies heading off to high school for the first time today! It is amazing to see the pics of them all grown up! I had the best mother’s group and miss them lots, think of them all the time!
Watching: 1864: Denmark’s War on SBS on demand – it is very interesting. Tried to get the kids in to watching Anne with an E on netflix with me – they couldn’t get in to it – very sad!
Marvelling: At the fact Kipp is at kindy this year and off to Prep next year!
Cringing: At all the unread emails in my inbox – sigh!
Needing: To get into a regular exercise routine – anybody got some tips for me?
Questioning: what I think about Social Media after reading this article today https://www.theglobeandmail.com/technology/your-smartphone-is-making-you-stupid/article37511900/ and also reading this from always an inspiration – Pip at Meet Me At Mikes:
I am trying really hard to move away from social media a bit – I have alarms on my phone now, where I can have a quick check-in and then go do something else. It’s working well and helping me to avoid ‘self distracting’ and feel much happier. I think we need to help each other find interesting things to read about, away from social media, as much as possible. WHICH IS WHY BLOGS ARE GREAT. What we see on social media – Instagram AND Facebook – is controlled by the powers-that-be. We shouldn’t be letting corporations decide what is worthy of our hearts and minds. Please read blogs more – or start your own – to buck the trend. If you have a blog, please link to it below so we can see. Also if you have a blog, please continue posting about the things you are reading and finding and doing – be a mine of interestingness for us, one that isn’t a corporation.Smelling: sweaty – always hot and sweaty here!
Following: always my three favourite bloggers:
Noticing: that my knuckles are sore – think I might be starting to get arthritis?
Knowing: That I have to hurry up and finish this post and get some work done.
Thinking: about what I can do for a very cheap and easy date night for Matt and I? Something fun/different to do at home – ideas anybody?
Admiring: Emma from She Sow Seeds and the terrific family holiday they just had. I love her blog – go and check it out!
Sorting: Lexi’s room out – it is always a pigsty!
Getting: Excited thinking about our Bell Girls weekend in Melbourne this year – what should we do and see?
– Activity Village: Goal Setting Printables
– Thought Co: Goal Setting Worksheets
– I Can Teach My Child: Goal Setting Worksheets
Feeling: like I need caffeine! Any ideas how I can get my fix without coffee, coke or V’s?
Hearing: The forklift unloading crates of mangoes in the shed.
Cooking :
Drinking :
Next read:
Next watch:
Love that you are back blogging Jess! I agree with the holidays ending. Although I love and thrive on routine, having the kids with us for the holidays and not having a schedule to follow was heaven! Good idea on a date night for you and Matt. What about a nice candelit picnic somewhere on your beautiful farm. Or if you have a data projector, set up and outdoor movie and watch a classic along with a nice bottle of wine! Hope all the kiddies had a great first day back at school. Still can’t believe our babies are at high school!
Thanks for reading Julie! It is so nice to be blogging again – I have really missed it. Trying to put a bit more fun back into my life!! Great ideas for Date Night – thanks heaps!
Jessica, loving having you back on the blogging journey. Yoga is a must for you to help relax and unwind. Yoga with Adriene is the best. A cheap night out is by the fire in your new pit. No phones. Just don’t tell the kids where you are, take a nice red wine and some steak and salad and, once again, relax. Xo
Great ideas Aunty Leanne – yes – I must get into the Yoga!!!