I know I said I would do a ‘what we have been up to’ post tonight, but I’m feeling like I need to do this one instead. It is a little bit of a self indulgent post – so I won’t be offended if you give it a miss :-).
The kids and I spent the day in Cairns today and managed to get a ‘Santa Photo’ for 2016 (see above).
We usually head down at this time of year so Jack can spend the birthday money that is burning a hole in his pocket from his birthday at the end of November and so we can do a little bit of Christmas shopping. The kids get to check out the big smoke for a day, take in the lovely Christmas decorations and get a dose of city Christmas spirit. Matt was in the packing shed today – in full mango madness, so he missed out this year.
The thing is – it’s a week out from Christmas and I am feeling decidedly un-Christmasy! We have been so slack this year – the Christmas tree and the stockings are up, with a few decorations, but we have been hopeless with our Elf on the Shelf and have done absolutely no treats or fun in our advent stockings!
I don’t know what the deal is. Yes it’s mango season which is always crazy and things are extra nuts as I am working a lot at the moment too and have soooooo many loose ends that I really need to finalise this week so I can have a few weeks off after Christmas, but that doesn’t really explain the lack of Christmas zeal. Maybe, it’s just that Matt and I are getting older, and oh so much tireder! Christmas this year just feels a bit overwhelming. I’m looking forward to spending time with my family. That’s it. The presents, and the food and the traditions etc just don’t seem that important this year – aaargh!
So – I’m giving myself a kick up the bum tonight to try and get it together and bring some awesome Christmas fun and memory making to the Fealy Family for the next 7 days – surely we can manage that!!
This is just a little trip down memory lane as 2016 marks the 11th Christmas for the Fealy Family.
Here’s the last ten Santa/Christmas photos for our family. Love seeing how much all the kids (and our family!) have grown. I do really love this time of year and want our kids to grow up with special memories of this time too!

Jack 3, Toby 18mths – Tobes was not impressed with Santa this year – thus the reason Mum is in the photo

Don’t know what happened to the Santa photo this year – must have been too tired and too unorganised! Jack 5, Toby 3, Lexi 1
Right, time to bring on the Christmas lights drive, the Christmas carols and apricots balls, tinsel and all things nice!
Merry Christmas everyone! Send me your best Christmas spirit vibes this week!
Oh, Jess, How gorgeous!! What an absolutely fabulous photo history!! I hope you and the kids have a great Chrissmy Christmas!!
32 danefieid road
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