Hello Everyone. Things have been a little bit of crazy busy (in a good way) in the Fealy Family recently – gah – bring on the end of the avocado season and hopefully a slow down in the Easter School holidays! We’ve landed in March 2016 already which is a bit of a milestone month for us as that means we’ve been blogging on this little ‘Are We There Yet?’ blog for just over three years now – wow – that’s a lot of rambling away on the keyboard! Thanks so much to all those who are still following along – I know that this blog doesn’t fit nicely in any real niche – we’re not true travel or camping bloggers – there are too many posts about kids birthdays and parenting moments and other ‘fluff’ for that. However – we’re not true lifestyle/parenting/mummy bloggers, nor are we totally just farm bloggers. I don’t really know where we fit – ‘Are We There Yet?’ is definitely a mish mash of all of these things and while the statistics say that not fitting nicely into a blog ‘category’ means we will never make it big in the blogging world – we’re ok with that, as the aim of this blog has always been about ‘making memories of us’ and we’re a pretty crazy, mish mashed kinda family!
I love blogging. I can’t knit or sew or do beautiful crafty things like paint and draw, but I do love to read and write. I love thinking about interesting topics to share on the blog (my drafts folder is FULL of half started posts – waiting to come to life – oneday!). I love choosing photos and images to go with the posts. I love chatting in the comments and hearing other people’s stories and takes on our blog topics. I love recording bits of our family life and hoping in the years to come that we will treasure this record. Yes, sometimes we freak out about sharing so much of our lives with the world – about the cyber risks to our family of doing this and of worrying what people think of us. However, the fun and the joy of reading back through some of our posts and reliving the memories (often good and bad) always outweighs the negatives of blogging for us. So, we’re going to keep doing it 🙂 The goal this year is to get a little bit braver with some of our posts and share some of our opinions on things – paricularly farming and family matters – its a bit scary to do that – knowing that will will probably face some negativity over what we have to say, but it is time for us to start speaking up a little more.
I’ve spent a bit of time today going through our blog stats and it is interesting to see the posts that have been the most read over the last three years;
We’ve had a pretty terrific last three years, but it hasn’t been without it’s bumps and hard work. Some of that we record here on the blog, but for the most part we leave those tough times behind and focus on the positive ones. Here’s a few of my favourite ‘blog photos’ to wrap up – thanks for following our adventures and cheers to sharing many more!

Family potrait done using the camera timer as we had the gorge to ourselves up until just before we left
Love The Fealy Family xoxox
So many stories / memories and amazing photos! Thanks for sharing your lives with us Jess. I love sharing your tales with the girls so they can hear how their little buddies are going.
Thanks Julie! The kids ALWAYS ask when are we heading back to Brissy to visit all their old friends – hopefully sometime soon!!
I think you get the Great Parenting Award! It’s so important to get those kiddos out early and get them acquainted with nature. Great pictures too!
Jim recently posted…Best Kayak for Recreational Use
Congrats on your blogiversary! Those fishing spots are breathtaking.