Hi Everybody! We’re still here, still alive and kicking! Sorry about the radio silence, life has just got in the way and to be honest, I wasn’t sure how to keep blogging anymore – so many ethical questions around how much of our family life to share, whether we should be sharing photos of our kids, whether I had the time and energy to blog or should be better using my time elsewhere etc, etc, etc. However, I’m back now because I missed blabbing away on here so much, and most of all, I missed not having a record of our family adventures to look back over in the years to come, so I’ve decided to forget the rest! We’ve probably lost most of our followers by now, but if anybody is still out there and reading – a big HELLO! We’ve missed you xoxoxo!
Anyway, tonight is really just a super quick update post via photos really, just to fill you in a little on what has been happening here at Fealy Family HQ! The last time we wrote was in June and Kipp had recently turned 1. Well we’ve sure been busy since then – here’s the lowdown from the past few months – more details to come!
MAY 2015
JULY 2015

Beth, Jess, Kipp, Kate and Myra in Bali (Mum and Sisters trip to celebrate Mum’s 60th Birthday and Kate’s 30th Birthday)

Lots of fun, despite the forced extra five day stay due to the volcanic ash cloud wreaking havoc with our return flights!

We had a great little adventure of Father’s Day this year with my Dad and Matt’s Dad, checking out the old Irivenbank mining trails!

Matt and I have ended up as scout leaders and spent a weekend away at camp with our Joey and Cub scouts a few weeks back – we are still recovering!
And that’s us in a nutshell! Jeepers I’ve missed this blog! Feels so good to put something on paper, I mean the net, hehehehehe. I’m really excited to share some posts of our adventures over the last few months – our holiday in June/July was so great – lots to share with you! It is currently school holidays here and we have 7 kids total to look after this week with the cousies visiting, so things are a bit busy but lots of fun!

School holiday time at the moment – the kids having a tour of the orchard and picking out their mangoes for eating next school holidays!
Ok – well – way past my bedtime, so I’m off. I really hope everybody out there is doing well! Drop us a line or two in the comments and let us know how you all are, where you are, what’s been happening – we’d love to hear from you!
Love From The Fealy Family
Hi, Jess, great to hear from you! I agree with you about the blog being both a record of life and a connection to other people. I have an urge to start a blog called ‘Meanderings of an Occasionally Thoughtful Mind”. And i second guess myself about much the same issues as you – minus the kids of course!!
I love the catch-up photos. It was a walk, er, drive, down memory lane. We loved the Daintree and the Bloomfield Track. With Summer coming on, i want to go travelling again!! Waaaa!!
However, progress on our new house is happening, so no travel for a while. 🙁
Keep up the blog. We love to hear from you.
Hi Jess. You have done another wonderful job on your blogging. You have spurred my thoughts on now and I realise I need to get my blog mojo back too. I haven’t felt like it seine we lost mum. Thanks for the energy boost. Well done. Xo
Love this blog?
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment James – glad you enjoy it! You have inspired me to start writing again!