Oh man. Our New Year’s Eve tonight is being spent in a manner that pretty much sums up how 2014 has rolled for us! As I write this, Matt has just finished up in the shed and as we are mostly all pretty exhausted, we have decided to hole up together in the house to watch a movie and carve out some quiet family time. The last few days have been some pretty crazy mango madness! Everything is a mess in the house as I’ve struggled to stay on top of that as well as some Blue Sky farm stuff. We’ve got no big party planned, actually, nothing at all exciting planned to see in the New Year cause we’re just too tired – eek! I feel so lame just writing that! But, we’re happy. And grateful to have each other, and a small bit of time together! Oh – and we’ve got junk food in the form of chips, bhuja mix and maltesers so that gets us over the line in the eyes of the kids as some kind of celebration!! Continue reading
Monthly Archives: December 2014
Fealy Family Wrap Up 2014
Another Christmas is all over!
Once again I’m late with the Christmas wishes, so a very, merry, belated Christmas everyone! The kids and I are enjoying some very quiet days at Blue Sky at the moment while Matt is immersed in mango season madness. On the mango front, things are not as crazy as last year though so we did manage to have a pretty relaxed Christmas day and Boxing Day this year – much better than spending it in hospital as we did last Christmas!
As you know, we kicked off our Christmas festivities about a month ago when we headed out to choose our ‘real’ Christmas tree from the Christmas Tree farm, you can read all about that outing here. Next on the festive calendar was the local Christmas Carols night which the kids loved despite the fact that due to some iffy weather the carols were moved indoors and we were all hot, sweaty and crammed in to the local PCYC hall – not really the magical night we were hoping for but the kids enjoyed themselves nonetheless! Continue reading
Granite Gorge – Mareeba
We are into the last week of the school term here – yippeeeee! I love school holidays and can not wait to have a break from lunch boxes, uniforms and after school activities! Of course there will be some fighting and far too many ‘I’m hungry’s’, but I really am looking forward to having all the kids at home for a big break from routine! We don’t have a lot planned for these holidays as Matt will be very busy with Mango Madness here on the farm, but we have a visit from the Townsville cousins and the Perth cousins to look forward to, as well as a week away at the beach in January, so still lots of fun to be had!
I am so behind with my blogging that I haven’t even posted about the great day out we had at Granite Gorge, just outside Mareeba, with the Brissy cousins last school holidays at the beginning of October! So, here’s the details now in case you want to make a visit out there these holidays. Continue reading
Atherton Christmas Tree Farm
It’s the first of December already – hasn’t the year just flown! We are being very organised this year and making sure everything ‘Christmas’ is taken care of before mango season madness kicks off here at Blue Sky Produce next week – none of the last minute, slightly stressful craziness that we had last year!
So – one of our favourite things about Christmas is the Christmas Tree. We love choosing where to put it and decorating it as a family, pulling out all the old decorations made by the kids or special ones given as gifts. Since we have moved up here, we have a new rule that we must have a ‘real’ pine Christmas tree. I always had a ‘real’ tree growing up and the smell of them takes me straight back to my Christmas’s as a kid with all my cousins! We would all pile in the back of the ute and head off around the farm looking for a pine tree with a suitable branch we could chop off for a Christmas tree. We had to sing Christmas carols at the top of our voices or my Dad would stop the ute and would not move again until the singing was at a satisfactory level. It didn’t matter if we only knew the chorus of each Christmas carol, we’d just sing what we could and move on to the next one. Such great fun and great, great memories! Continue reading
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