Hello Everyone! Yes – we are all still alive and kicking up here on the farm! We have had a nasty flu lay us low for the past couple of weeks but there are only a few more coughs and snuffles to get rid of and then we are all in the clear – hooray! So, as usual, there is lots of catching up to do on the blog and I thought I’d better start with an update of all the goings on here at Blue Sky as things have been busy, busy, busy!
Where to start? Well, once we arrived back from our Lawn Hill trip it was straight in to pruning time! We had two Italian backpackers, Nicolo and Julien arrive to live here for the next few months and get stuck in to the pruning of the mango trees and they have been doing a great job. As they prune, Matt mulches all the piles of branches in.
Along with the pruning, we have had some cooler, slightly drizzly, weather which has meant we could get some much needed burning off of some big piles of dead wood, cleared last year, done. We had about 13 or 14 big piles to burn – it made for some good bonfire nights here!
We also had a team of researchers visit for a few weeks from the University of New England. They set video cameras, weather stations and all sorts of other monitoring equipment up in the mango orchard to try to determine what insects are doing the bulk of the work in pollinating our mango flowers. We will look forward to reading the results of their study!
Of course, in order to attract the flies and bees and other insects to come and do their job in our orchard, there are a few ‘top secret attractionators’ (is that even a word??) that we use!!
While the orchard is not so nice smelling at the moment, our ‘attractionators’ do seem to be doing their job and we have bees and flies everywhere!
Of course to have so many pollinators means we have flowers all over the farm too! The mango trees are flowering, the avocado trees are flowering, the lime trees are flowering and my favourite flower of all is the passionfruit flower! We are crossing our fingers and all of our toes as well, hoping that this means we will have lots and lots of beautiful fruit soon!
As well as pruning at this time of year, we also have to step up our pesticide and herbicide spraying to make sure the naughty insects and troublesome weeds don’t interfere with the trees doing their important jobs!

Spraying is a good opportunity for the kids to go with Dad in the tractor and start learning the ropes!
On top of all of this, we have also had ‘The Boss’ – Ross – here clearing and preparing some of the farm’s vacant land in preparation for the planting of just a ‘few’ 1,000 new avocado trees.
In the last week the trees arrived, the irrigation system has been laid, the measuring out and sprinkler punching has been done, the trees have had their stalks painted and just a few days ago, the first block of trees was planted.
And that is about it on the work side of things! We have had a few little ‘celebrations’ too, with the first being a chocolate cake after work last week to celebrate Nicolo’s 21st birthday!
Finally, last Friday night Matt and I had the pleasure of being invited to go along to the Mareeba District Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association Annual Gala Dinner. It was a great night with a very hotly contested charity fruit auction happening which raised over $12.000 for the local hospital (Blue Sky was very much outbid – we will have to start saving some $$’s now to put in the budget for bidding at next year’s auction!).
It was also inspiring to see and hear the stories of the nominees for the annual ‘Charlie Nastasi Horticulturalist of the Year’ award – something for us to aspire to winning one day! Oh, and I nearly forgot the award for the district’s biggest pumpkin – it weighed in at a whooping 18.2kgs – huge!! We had lots of fun and will definitely look forward to going again next year now! You can check out all the photos from the night here if you are interested.
We have been here at Blue Sky Produce for over twelve months now – it is so hard to believe – time has flown! We are still loving farm life and still have so much to learn! Stay tuned for Matt’s post about the ‘twelve lessons learned in the first 12 months as a farmer!’. Oh and if you want more regular updates straight from the farm paddock – check out the Blue Sky Produce Instagram and Twitter accounts, and Facebook too!
Mango season is well on its way, so get your freezers and fridges ready everyone!!!
Mmm mango sales … Christmas must be just around the corner! x
Heike Herrling recently posted…Travel – Cradle to Coast Farmers’ Market
Heike – it is scary how quickly mango season and Christmas are almost here again!
Busy, to say the least!! Looking forward to Matt’s 12 month blog!
Great post Jess, interesting read, I am feeling tired from all the work.
Thanks for your great insight into your farm.
desvejk recently posted…Gorge to Gorge, July 2014
Thanks Des! You guys must be due for another adventure soon – where are you off to next?
I’m off to the camper trailer meet at. Glen Innes, Anna is home with our newly hatched chicks.
Next year it’s Tassie and then The Gawler Ranges in SA with the camper trailer group in May.
desvejk recently posted…Gorge to Gorge, July 2014
Well done Blue Sky Produce , a great article and pictures keep up the great work
kind regards
Barry Pawelek (Wollongong NSW )
Thanks Barry!
Looking good on the farm. The new planting looks like big work but so good to see Blue Sky growing. Great work and always a great read! Love from all the Engo’s! xo (We miss you all).
Thanks Engo – we wish you guys were just down the road – that would make things awesome!
Wow so much happening on the farm and really interesting to read all about the ins and outs of farming. What a life for the kids, my boys are literally counting the days to visit Aunty Jess and their cousins on the farm! I think they are only counting down to Christmas because then it is close to visiting the farm time!! (And the mangoes! Dylan can’t wait, they don’t forget mangoes for breakfast, lunch, and tea!)
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