Hello Everyone! Yes – we’re all still alive up here!! I know, I know – I’ve been very slack with the blog over this last month!
I’m joining in with Pip from Meet Me At Mikes, ‘Favourite Things’ link up, to give me a hand out of my blogging slump and get back on a roll again. It is delightful having a newborn in the house but I had forgotten how lack of sleep makes me have the ‘go slows’ during the day and everything just seems to take ten times longer to get done or not done at all!
So blogging has taken a bit of a back seat recently, especially seeing as I am asleep in the lounge by 8pm each night too! But boy do I miss it and I sure do have heaps to share with you all!
Today, we will start with a list of my favourite things. I’ve kept it to just ten things, but there are plenty more!!
1. Chocolate
In particular Turkish Delights, Peanut M&M’s, Nestle Crunch Bars and receiving boxes of chocolates for special occassions!
2. The Rain.
I love hearing it on the roof, watching it roll down the windows and having everybody locked up in the house reading, cooking something yummy to eat and playing games. I also love going out in the rain and getting saturated, splashing in puddles and then coming home to a hot shower!
3. Fireplace/Campfire.

I want!
There is nothing better than sitting in front of a fire, especially when out camping, but I also loved our fireplace at home in Brisbane. You can sit and look at a fire for hours and I think fires are conducive to long chats – deep and meaningfuls where you solve all the problems of the world!
4. Reading a Good Book
And my most favourite thing is to read a good book, while it is raining, in front of a fire, with a nice stash of chocolate! Absolute bliss! Doesn’t get any better than that for me!
5. Photos

I really want this in my house!
I love looking back through old photos, remembering the moments that they capture. I love photos on the wall. I love making/putting photo albums together. I love taking photos – the excitement of getting a beautiful shot!
6. Family
Love my family!!
7. Zac Brown Band
This band is the best. Their music just makes you ‘feel’ what the song is all about. I also love that Zac Brown Band has a real committment to their fans and making a difference in the world through their Camp Southern Group Project. Have a listen to some of their songs – you can’t help but love them! You know how much we love Free and Toes, but there are heaps more good ones like Knee Deep, Island Song, Colder Weather, Martin, Whatever It Is ………………….. I could go on forever!
8. The hour in the afternoon just before sunset.
One of my favourite things is to be outside, watching the kids on the trampoline, taking the washing off the line and just enjoying the last of the afternoon. It is a peaceful time of day and usually nice and cool here!!
9. Country living
I love living in the country. I love the space, the sunsets, the time spent outside working, the animals. I like the feeling of community and living in a small town where you can get to know most people.
10. Blogging
Blogging is about as creative as I get. I enjoy being able to use my brain a little to write and to try to come up with some interesting things to write about . I love recording family memories for the future. One of the best things about blogging has been keeping in touch with family and friends as well as meeting some great new people who have found our blog and followed along! We have received some lovely comments and emails with some great feedback, tips and just general kind words from quite a few people we have never even met in real life before!
I’d love to hear some of your favourite things!! Have a think about it! Just thinking about your favourite things makes your feel happy – trust me – give it a go!!!
Umm…. that feeling you get when you love, love, love a song and download it for the first time and know you can now play it over, and over, and …. over!!!!
Umm…. ok that’s all i’ve got for now! I’m blaming the fact that i’m currently getting ready for round two at work on a day i’m very unmotivated!!! I tried!!!
Kate – Matt has a new song for you – check our GLove’s latest album Sugar and the song ‘one night romance’ – you will love it!
Ok Jess here is my list!! Number 11 would actually be Lists;)
1. When the kids sleep through the night until 7am (that’s never happened to date but I am sure when it does it will be my most favorite thing)
2. Coffee and Wine!!!! Not together 😉
3. Tim Tams
4. The Beach or being somewhere by the Seaside!!
5. Christmas at the Station and the car trip up with my crew!!!
6. My family and our extended family (on both sides) I definitely have the best extended family in the Universe!!!!
7. My friends – sounds cliche’ but I also have the very best friends in the Universe!!!!
8. When my house is clean and tidy – it usually only lasts until the kids are back from wherever I sent them to actually get the house clean – but for those 5 mins it’s bliss!
9. Locky – I know he fits with the family thing but hey – some days it would not get thru the day without him!!!!
10. Game of Thrones – I am totally addicted!!!
Carla – great list! I agree we do have the BEST extended family!! And Christmas at the station is pretty high up on my favourite things list too!! I would say the clean house thing but I honestly can’t remember when it was last clean like that! These days it seems to be a room at a time clean – never a whole house kinda clean!!!
PS. I must check out this game of thrones – everybody I know loves it!!!
What i love is a cool breeze on a hot day. And as we are in Airlie Beach, the breeze, when it comes past is just lovely!!
redroveroz totally jealous that you are in Airlie Beach!!! I wish I was there right now! Are you coming up to our neck of the woods at all???
Cool list! What a great reason not to be blogging! He’s adorable!
The rain! I totally forgot about the rain! The sound, the smell, the sense of all things being washed away (not in a great flood kind of way, just a little clean up!). Glad that you and bubs are doing so well. Pips x
Oh Kipp has grown so much! Welcome back to blog land lady. This is a good one.
Love your list too! Looks like we have a love of fireplaces & rain in common 😉 And you are well and truly excused from having a blogging slump, what a gorgeous distraction you have there!
I don’t know what it is about Turkish delight. I can’t stand it, but my hubby and all the inlaws fight over the turkish eggs at easter. I’d give anything for an open fire place in my house. There just isn’t a space for it unfortunately.
Great list! That baby is delicious!