This week’s Sunday Snapshot is of the surprise visitor in the packing shed today! Imagine reaching into a red crate full of mangoes, looking to grab your next Keitt mango to load on to the de-sapping machine – something you have been doing for nearly 8 hours already today – and all day yesterday – only to pull out a snake!! We shouldn’t laugh, but Matt said the five workers doing the de-sapping did a lot of yelling and shouting and jumping up on to benches when this snake came out of the mango crate!!!

Matt managed to catch him with the shovel and relocate him to the tree outside so everybody could go back to work!
Nothing like a bit of excitement after lunch to wake everybody up for the afternoon shift in the shed! How was your Sunday? See any snakes today???
Who knew snakes liked mangos? I guess Qld mangos are pretty irresistible… 🙂