Well, this is quite a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our Blog followers!! Welcome to 2014, may it be a great year for us all! One of my New Year’s Resolutions this year is to make the time to blog at least once a week, so, given that it is already the 7th of January, 2014, I had better get a post done today or else I am off to a very rough start!!
I think most of you have heard through the grapevine – aka via Facebook – that the Fealy Family had a very different Christmas this year! The festive season for us started out with so much promise, of being a great period filled with family time and aspirations for all sorts of Christmas craft, baking, decorating and celebrating …………………………………

Christmas baking got underway with Chrissy cupcakes and reindeer brownies and yum yum balls for the kids class break up parties
But then, on Christmas Eve, Jack took a fall off the trampoline (yes – the new trampoline which we had decided to give the kids early so they could use it while all the cousins were visiting, but didn’t get a chance to put the sides up on it yet!) and broke his arm. He did such a good job of the break, breaking it in two places, which meant after a trip in the ambulance and a night in the Mareeba hospital where they tried unsuccessfully to set his arm, we headed to Cairns early on Christmas morning (another ride in the Ambulance) so Jack could have surgery and some wire installed in his arm to help it straighten and hopefully heal with no problems!! Not quite the Christmas we had planned – aaaargh!! Nevertheless, we made the best of it and were very grateful to our extended families who looked after Lexi and Toby for us over Christmas and made sure they were still thoroughly spoilt and filled with Christmas goodies while Matt and I were at the hospitals with Jack!

Jack & Mum head off to Mareeba hospital in the ambulance while Dad, Lexi and Toby pack a bag for Mum & Jack, have quick showers, pick up some takeaway for dinner and meet Mum & Jack at the hospital

Christmas Eve in the Mareeba Hospital Emergency room – yep – that’s poor old Tobes asleep on the floor again and Lex asleep in my arms

Christmas morning in Mareeba hospital and Santa has been! (Big thank you to the lovely two nurses who wrapped some donated gifts for Jack and put them at the end of his bed!)

Meanwhile back at home Santa had been there too and Dad sent a photo of our Christmas tree to Mum & Jack in hospital

Then Dad, Toby & Lexi arrived at the hospital to open some pressies with Jack before he headed off to Cairns
I was so disappointed not to be able to enjoy a quiet Christmas Eve of just our little family at home as it had been a very busy few weeks of mango season craziness and visiting cousins. We had been looking forward to cracking open our Christmas ham, listening to Carols and wrapping presents. I was bummed not to see our first ‘real’ Christmas tree which Matt went to so much effort to get for me (the tree is a whole story in itself – but lets just say I may have gone a little ‘crazy, pregnant, hormonal mumma’ over the need to have a real tree this year!) with all the presents underneath it, and I really missed sitting at the table with all the extended family together and eating yummy food. BUT, it wasn’t all bad. Matt and I enjoyed the quiet time we got together at the hospital, Jack enjoyed his one on one time with both mum and dad, and we got to see first hand the kindness of others at Christmas time. Jack received gifts in both hospitals, kindly donated to the children staying there by various community organisations. A Santa and a group of people singing carols also visited the children’s ward on Christmas day delivering gifts, such a lovely thing to do as all the kids loved it! Matt and I were grateful to the nurses who helped track down a meal for us on Christmas day when we were starving, not having had time for breakfast and then getting to lunch time and waiting for Jack in surgery and realising there was nowhere open on Christmas day for us to buy anything to eat! We also saw how very lucky we were that Jack ‘only had a broken arm’ when we saw how many very sick and injured children there were in the hospital over Christmas. In the bed beside Jack was a little boy with two broken arms, so when Jack was feeling sore and sorry for himself we just had to look to the little boy in the other bed! It was a reality check for us to realise just how lucky we really were!

Waiting to be seen by the surgeon in the emergency department in Cairns – Jack loved his Christmas present from Aunty Kate which keep him amused with one hand!

Christmas lunch 2013 for Matt and I while we waited in the ward for Jack to be delivered back to us after his surgery
Lexi and Toby meanwhile were having a great time! They spent Christmas Lunch with Grammy & Grunda and the Campbells over at Ma & Pa’s house in Malanda and got to have a swim in the Johnson River to cool off after lunch. Then, that evening Grandma and Amy came and picked them up and took them up to Ben Avon Station so they could have Christmas Dinner with all of the Johnson Clan – talk about spoilt! They then spent the next two nights staying at the station and playing with all the cousies up there! I don’t think they missed mum and dad at all – even though we really missed not being able to spend Christmas with them!
Jack was finally allowed out of hospital and able to go home at lunch time on Boxing Day. He was granted his request of Chinese for lunch before we left Cairns and then we headed home for a quiet afternoon of opening pressies and an early night to bed for a good sleep in our own beds! The next day we headed off to the Station to pick up Lexi and Toby and say a quick hello to all the family up there before they moved on, a quick stop in to Ravenshoe to see the Campbells and Grammy and Grunda, another quick stop in Atherton to deliver Uncle Jimbo’s presents and then home at last for a small amount of family time before Matt started back in to Mango Madness in the packing shed the next day.

Yep – Fealy Bub No 4 is definitely growing – no excuses of eating too much Christmas dinner this year!!
So that was our Christmas for 2013. Definitely one we won’t forget, and a crazy way to end what has been a pretty big year!
How was your Festive Season? Hope it was a good one!
Here’s to 2014 being a little more ‘sane’, though with a new bub… maybe that’ll be hard? 🙂
Oh life is certainly an adventure with kids! Let’s hope the next few months are a little less crazy. Jess you are looking wonderful. Hope Jack’s recovery is quick and you enjoy the rest of your school holidays. X
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