Well we are about to lose reception/internet access for about a week so I thought I would quickly try to get a post out about our time in Boulia before we left. I had planned to do it last night but we ended up having drinks with the Grey Nomads camped beside us instead. They were two very lovely couples who spoilt the kids with lollies and gave us heaps of good tips on places to visit in NT and WA. Matt spent the night with a pen and a map on his lap circling good spots as the nomads yelled them out – good fun!
We have had a really good stay in Boulia free camped down on the Bourke River behind the racecourse. There were toilets and cold showers here but we had to drive to them – if not for that I think we could have stayed here for a week! We went to the visitor information centre and paid $36 to do the fantastic Min Min encounter experience they have there! It was fantastic! A little scary for the kids but they still enjoyed it! The kids have been looking for the Min Min light (unexplained light that follows/chases people out here in this area – people have various theories – mineral gases being released, emu’s who have rolled in phosphorous gas, ghosts from the ‘seedy’ Min Min hotel that burned down etc, etc). It was a 45minute show that had you walking from little room to little room while people (talking dummies) told stories about the Min Min light – really great!
We also have now seen camels! Boulia is famous for its camel racing weekend which occurs at the end of July and as we are camped behind the racetrack we got to see the camels in training yesterday afternoon – sooooo awesome – just our little family watching the camels get pushed around the racetrack by a man on a four-wheeler – we all loved it!
We had another pretty relaxing afternoon yesterday after checking out Boulia in the morning (nothing much here except the Min Min encounter, a shop (lovely lady behind the counter gave the kids a lolly pop each for free!), pub and library and huge aquatic centre!), Jack was lucky enough to borrow some Robert Irwin dinosaur stories written about the Winton Dinosaurs which we had seen for sale at the Dinosaur Museum in Winton – so he read both of them in one afternoon and was sooooo excited to be reading about all the places and things we had seen in Winton! Once again the library is so good while travelling – the librarian is even letting us return the books to the Visitor Centre before we leave as the library is closed today.
I had a go at baking brownies in the camper gas oven but they turned out a disaster – burnt on top and not cooked on the bottom – more practice definitely required! I did redeem myself with crumbed steak and veges for dinner – yum! And I got a lesson on camp oven cooking from the Grey Nomads so I am keen to give ours a go soon!
Favourite Parts of the Day
Lexi – Having a walk with mum
Toby – going for a 4wd with Dad to collect wood
Jack – lighting the fire with dad, the Min Min show, dinner
Jess – seeing the camels go round the racetrack while having an afternoon family walk
Matt – collecting firewood with Tobes with Zac Brown cranking
Think we will be out of range for the next week or so – a glut of posts to come next week – hope you are all well – we are having a ball so far – 2 weeks of our trip gone already!!!

Lex and I off for a walk – me sporting my new headband which my mum crotcheted for me – love it mum!
wow great camp, tell the kids to find me some garnets the size of golf balls at Harts Range
Awesome, I want to hit the road (even if it is only for 2 weeks) 🙂
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