Week in Review

In an effort to ease back in to blogging, I have decided to have a go at a ‘Week in Review’ style post. I’ve had a crack at a few different styles of these over the year, Taking Stock, A Cup of Tea with Me, Weekly Wrap Up to name a few. They all have one thing in common, to get me back in the saddle writing and to be a bit of a brain dump for me.

So, without further ado, here is a wrap up of some of the interesting bits and pieces I have come across or thought about during the week. I’m not sure if anybody else will get anything from my musings, but it will be a nice record for my grandkids of the things I was reading, doing, thinking, discovering, wanting and wearing.

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Best Family Friendly Accommodation in FNQ

With Coronavirus restrictions starting to be lifted, I’ve got a feeling that many people might be dreaming and maybe even planning a getaway somewhere for the upcoming school holidays in June/July, so I thought I’d share the best family friendly accommodation we have discovered to date in FNQ, and when I say family friendly I’m talking about big enough for our whole gang of two adults, four kids – yes – we are breeders!

We have been fortunate enough to have quite a few quick trips or one week stays around the traps in FNQ over the last few years, particularly as for the past six years we have had people living on-farm with us, so we really enjoyed the chance to get away and have some quality time ‘just the Fealy Family’ together.  These are not campsites, which is a bit different to what I usually post here on the blog, but for the three years of so duration of Matt’s Nuffield Scholarship – we haven’t had much time or energy for camping so it was holiday houses instead.

Here’s some of our favourites in no particular order ….. oh and I’ve included a photo from the property website as well as one of our stay there – just so you could see that they are as good as they look in the advertising! Continue reading

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Mindful May

new monthI love the start of a new month and the chance to set some new goals and start with a clean slate.  I had a little bit of a light bulb moment today.  You all know I’ve been on a somewhat long journey of ‘self help’ work recently and for the past two months I have been undertaking the Peak Persona Next Level program (shout out that the next cohort kicks off on Sunday – highly recommend!).  Several of the tasks during the program, namely obtaining feedback (of which I hardly looked at the good comments), a mind audit (all ten times I stopped and paid attention to my thoughts had me noting them as grumpy or negative) and undertaking some personality profiling, have made me acutely aware that I very much tend to focus on the negatives and this is holding me back in lots of ways.  This realisation has come as a bit of a shock to me as I would have described myself as a ‘glass half full’ kinda girl. Continue reading

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Some advice about marriage for our kids


This is a post I have been wanting to write for a while and tried to do yesterday, but I struggled with the start of school at home, juggle of working from home, kids online gymnastics and exercise classes starting, and getting all of the house stuff done (ie feeding everyone so much food, a million times a day!).  So it didn’t get finished yesterday, which means I’m ignoring my feelings of ‘I missed it and can’t post now, leaving the words to languish another year in the blog drafts folder’ and just hitting ‘publish’ on it today, a day late, instead.

Yesterday marked 17 years married for Matt and I.  It sure hasn’t been smooth sailing, the last few years have been particularly tough and we have definitely pushed the limits, but I’m proud we’ve made it this far and have created four beautiful kids and a stack of amazing memories together. Continue reading

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March Coronavirus Diary – Fealy Family Style

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Reading, learning, watching and listening

April Edition

Ooops – I missed a blog day yesterday so must get two done today!

Starting with an easy one first, my sister Beth had a special request when I said I was back blogging, she has asked  “I’d love a post about some of your favourite podcasts, good short courses etc, that would be great!” Yippeee – these are some of my favourite things so I’m excited to share and it being a long Easter weekend in Coronavirus times – I thought you all might be looking for some recommendations! Continue reading

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Taking Stock – April 2020

I’m feeling a little guilty today that I launched straight back into blogging with a bit of a soapbox post yesterday after an almost twelve month hiatus. So today, I thought it might be nice to sit down together with a cup of tea and have a bit of a catch up, ‘Taking Stock’ style. I’d love to hear what you have all been up to as well, so feel free to have a go yourself – a blank version of the questions can be found at the end of this post. I really hope everyone is staying well! Continue reading

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Corona Creativity and Passions

Poof!  That is me blowing the dust off this here little ‘ole’ blog – jeepers, it has been a long time since I have written!

I’m just going to launch straight into things ok and we’ll worry about catching up on everything later, because otherwise I am just going to overthink the best way to restart blogging and then nothing will get posted!

So, we are in the midst of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic and I, like many people am finding that being required to ‘stay home’ unless absolutely essential to go out, means I have a bit more time and head space for things like thinking and writing and soul searching, oh and yelling at kids of course ?

However, something a friend (thanks Cath) said this morning really resonated with me in that there are heaps of ‘essential’ workers missing out on the slow down, the extra time and the ‘play’ and growth opportunities that many of us are taking advantage of right now.  They are not getting the chance to experience or explore their passions and interests, connect with their loved ones, focus on their health & wellbeing, or do those DIY projects, craft etc, they are working harder then ever.

And it got me thinking, are there lots of people like me who don’t even know where to start?  Who feel a bit guilty like we might be wasting this opportunity?  Who have spent so much time looking after kids, working, being busy, distracting ourselves with all sorts plans and life stuff that we don’t even know what we like or want to do with our time now that those things aren’t possible?  What even is our passion?  Do we even have one?

Here’s some of the things that have gone through my mind – maybe they have played in your head too?  To start with ….. Continue reading

Categories: Soapbox | 3 Comments

Weekly Wrap Up

I’ve been missing this blog.  A lot.  It has been on my mind most days, so I figured it was time to start writing again.  It was on my goals list for 2019 in the ‘fun’ section to start writing a post a week again.  Over half way through the year already so definitely time to bite the bullet.  The hardest thing, when I haven’t written for so long, is not knowing where on earth to start.  In the end, I’m making it easy and going with a short and sweet ‘list post’.  I’ve done the ‘Taking Stock’ posts in the past, but they are really long so I’ve decided to make my own ‘Weekly Wrap Up’ post.  I hope you find something interesting in it.  Feel free to share yours too – I’d love to hear it. Continue reading

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A quick catchup post


Yep – that is so my life!  Sigh, despite my best efforts for it not to be so.  Anyway, a lovely, very wet, very quiet day today means a chance to get a blog post done, so here’s a quick catch up post.

March has been all about work, work, work for Matt and I.  A very busy few weeks of Blue Sky Produce avocado season have meant Matt has been up at five am every day and not home before 8pm most nights. Continue reading

Categories: About Us, Blue Sky Produce | 2 Comments